
Showing posts from November, 2015

Minister is supportive of Longford Council's Royal Canal Greenway plans

Minister Pascal O'Donohue appears to be impressed with Longford Councils forward planning for the extension of the Royal Canal Greenway to Abbeyshrule. In response to a Dail question from Robert Troy, Fianna Fáil TD for Longford/Westmeath, on Blueway and Greenway plans in the county of Longford, the Minister stated that while funding is fully allocated until 2016, Longford is well placed to secure future funding based on their forward planning. The minister said "All Department funding for the delivery of greenways is fully committed up until 2016.  However, the development of a greenway along the Royal Canal from Abbeyshrule to Ballymahon is among those projects to which my Department will give serious consideration in the event of additional funding becoming available. Any funding award would include provision for the installation of signage and direction markers to highlight the existence of and assist users of the greenway. Officials from my Department along with ...

440K to be spent in 2016 on Dublin End of Dublin Galway Greenway

Over €10 million is to be spent on planning and construction of transport projects in the Dublin City Council area in 2016. Contained within this budget €0.44m is planned to be used for the Royal Canal Cycle Route which is part of the Dublin Galway Greenway. As previously reported on this blog , Dublin City Council have plans to build a cycle path along the Royal Canal in Dublin which will eventually form part of the Dublin to Galway greenway.  The  Dublin City Council  project is to include a cycle and pedestrian route along the Royal Canal from Sheriff Street Upper to Ashtown. The 7.5 km route has been divided into three phases and the work is expected to cost between €10-12 million. Minister o'Donohue announced last month that priority would be given to the Kildare and Meath sections of the Dublin Galway Greenway while consultations continue about a route west of the Shannon. Minister O'Donohue anticipated that work would start next year on that section wit...

Minister says pause on Galway section will give time for development of a new route

Minister Donohue says that the pause on the Galway/Roscommon section will give time for the consideration of a new route that has local support. Responding to Roscommon South Leitrim TD Denis Naughten, Minister Donohoe acknowledged that was large support for the route in Roscommon but also acknowledged that difficulties lay with the Galway section of the route. Now officials will go back to the drawing board on deciding a route west of the Shannon based on strong local consultation. It is likely that the minister will ask the TII to look at all options including land that is in public ownership as called for by Denis Naughten. If you cannot see the audio controls, your browser does not support the audio element Audio file is the property of Shannonside News and simply relinked here.

Work to start early next year on the Kildare and Meath sections of the Dublin Galway Greenway

In reponse to Deputy  Anthony Lawlor 's  question , Minister Pascal Donohue said that he expects  the preparatory work on the Kildare and Meath portions of the greenway will begin in the first half of next year.  Minister Donohue, went on to say that he expects that those new portions of the greenway to be open by the summer of 2017, which will then allow the first half of the greenway to fully open. During the same exchange, Deputy Denis Naughten challenged the minister on his position about the use of public lands for the greenway route west of the Shannon. Deputy Naugthen, who admits that he is probably  the only public representative to say publicly that he wants the greenway between Athlone and Galway to proceed, appears to be favouring a route that would  bring the cycleway from Athlone to Ballinasloe by means of a physical segregation along the existing N6 as far as Aughrim. Details of the Dail record can be accessed here: https://w...

Coast to Coast Greenway could avoid Galway altogether after major opposition

Disclaimer: This is a hypothetical article on alternatives to a coast to coast greenway that avoids Galway. It's summer 2018 and the hugely anticipated national coast to coast greenway opened recently. The successful tourist route is already breathing life into towns and villages right across the country. Thousands of tourists are using the greenway and businesses right along the route are seeing huge ecomonic opportunities. The greenway route is not only being used by tourists, but it also being used by local people for recreation and school children for commuting to and from school. Some people living in rural communities have commented that this is the first time that they have had a safe route for walking and cycling.  In late 2015, the Dublin Galway greenway hit major opposition and the route was modified to avoid Galway altogether. At that time Galway farmers mounted an IFA backed campaign to oppose the greenway through their communities. They were angered by t...

RTE's CountryWide coverage of the Dublin Galway Greenway

RTE CountryWide, which covers farming matters, provided coverage about the farmer's concern about the Dublin Galway greenway on their show (7th Nov 2015). Albert Smith from the group KeepIrelandOpen is joined by the Jerry Armstrong from the IFA in Galway.  The podcast below makes for interesting listening and uncovers the amount of suspicion and disrepect on all sides. Hopefully the decision by the minister to pause the Galway section but continue with the Kildare/Meath section will give space to rebuild the relationships that are needed to make this project successful. If you cannot see the audio controls, your browser does not support the audio element Audio file is the property of RTE Country Wide and simply relinked here.

RTE Interview with Paschal Donohoe, Minister for Transport on the way forward for the Galway to Dublin greenway

For those who have an interest, we have reposted the RTE Interview with Paschal Donohoe, Minister for Transport, where he discusses his decision to pause the development of the Galway-Roscommon section of the new Galway to Dublin greenway. It is interesting to note the Ministers confidence that the cross country route will definitely be built and will be in public ownership. If you cannot see the audio controls, your browser does not support the audio element Audio file is the property of RTE Morning Ireland and simply relinked here.

Detailed Report shows that Greenway had support as far as Ballinasloe

This blog can reveal that the detailed report that resulted in pausing of the Dublin Galway Greenway in Galway showed large support for Greenway in Roscommon but opposition was high in East Galway. In the proposed section from Ballinasloe to Athlone, mostly in County Roscommon, the results of the landowners consultation was positive. In a sample of  arroud 32% of the landowners in the route corridor (136 landowners), 74.3% accept the route corridor, while 19.9% object to it and 5.9% are undecided. When State-owned lands are factored into the figures it seems that almost 90% of the emerging route has acceptance in this section. However, in Galway County and City, the acceptance of the route was much less favoured. Consultations  with a sample of around 20% of the landowners (194 landowners) along that route corridor record that c. 27% of landowners would accommodate a route for the cycleway on their lands, c. 63% would object to it with 8% undecided. The graphic below...