July Update - Galway Farmers want cyclists pushed onto the N6, Longford woos minister and looks to connect Royal Canal greenway to Mayo
The latest farmer position on the Greenway through Galway and Roscommon is that the will militantly oppose the Dublin Galway greenway through East Galway. http://galwaybayfm.ie/farmers- petition-galway-dublin- greenway/ Senator Healy Eames is one of the vocal policition on the farmers position and recommends using the N6 for the greenway. http://fidelmahealyeames.ie/ 2015/07/01/healy-eames-asks- minister-to-use-old-n6-as-the- only-apparent-way-to-save- greenway-for-galway/ Meanwhile, minister Donohoe is loosing patience with all the opposition on the Galway side when so many other local communities disparately want funds for greenways. He might withdraw or reallocate the funding for the Connaught leg of the greenway. http://www.shannonside.ie/ news/threat-to-funds-for- athlone-to-galway-cycleway- over-land-disputes/ And Longford council are ceasing the opportunity to get funding to connect the Royal Canal greenway to the Mayo Greenway. http://www.shannonside.ie/ ...