
Showing posts from May, 2015

Senator Lorraine Higgins Joins Calls To Connect Our National Greenways

According to reports by Cian Ginty in , senator Lorraine Higgins has joined the growing voice for a more connected vision on the planned national greenways. Most Galway politicians who have spoken out on the issue recently have more clearly sided with farmers’ groups who are against the Dublin-Galway route from using current farmland. The Labour Senator’ comments comes after a press release she released earlier in the week highlighting how she is seeking a meeting between the Minister for Transport and pro-greenway groups from Tuam, Mayo and Sligo. She told the IrishCycle website that these groups include the Sligo-Mayo Greenway group, the Tuam greenway group and the Athenry greenway supporters. These are mainly campaigning for sections of the Western Railway Corridor between Galway and Sligo to be used as a greenway. Although the railway is disused, all of the route is in public ownership, but support to turn this route into a greenway is currently...

Funding For Kildare Greenway Not Likely Until 2017

According to reports from KFMRadio , funding for the Kildare section of the Dublin to Galway Greenway won't be available until after 2016. This is a 276 kilometre cycle route being developed under the aegis of the Dept. of Transport. The Kildare section, 38 kilometres between Maynooth and the Meath/Westmeath border, already has planning permission. All Department funding for greenways is fully committed up to 2016. Minister Pascal Donohe says he "would expect that when funding becomes available that this project will be in a position to avail of that."

Mullingar to Athlone cycleway could be open by mid-July

According to Reports from the Shannonside newsroom , the Mullingar to Athlone cycleway could be open by mid July. The Mullingar to Athlone section is a key part of the overall Dublin to Galway greenway that is hoped to be completed by 2020. Director of Services Barry Kehoe told a recent meeting of Athlone Municipal District that paving work on the 2.5million euro project is due to begin shortly. Councillors welcomed the news of allowing the public access to the 40 km section which will connect cyclists and walkers to the urban centres of Mullingar, Moate and Athlone. While the route will be open to the public in mid-July, all going to plan, further works on the installation of additional things like landscaping, signage and rest areas may still be taking place by then. For now, cyclists will dismount the trackway at Garrycastle and then be directed into Athlone town centre via retreat road; but eventually, the route along the disused railway line will continue towards town an...

NRA launches website to promote the Dublin to Galway Greenway

The NRA, in collaboration with local authorities, have launched a dedicated website to promote awareness of the Dublin Galway Greenway (or "Galway to Dublin Cycleway" as it is officially called). According to a spokesperson from the NRA, they would like more people to join the conversation, from different sectors, who might benefit from the project. This website is one step in promoting awareness of the project. From the  website: "The Galway to Dublin Cycleway will be the first inter-city greenway in a proposed national network. Stretching 276 km from coast to coast, this will be a world-class amenity for families, communities and tourists to enjoy, providing a cross-country route away from busy roads. From west to east the route passes through counties Galway, Roscommon, Westmeath, Meath, Kildare and Dublin. It will travel by rivers and through woods, along a disused railway line and old canal paths, and on well-signed, purpose-bu...

Galway Council will meet the Minister to try to break the empass on the Dublin Galway Greenway Route

According to the Connacht t ribune and Galway Bay fm newsroom – County Council officials will meet with the Transport Minister next week to discuss funding and land ownership issues regarding the Galway to Dublin greenway. Maps outlining the proposed greenway route corridor were presented to councillors at this afternoon’s meeting of the Loughrea municipal district. Director of Services Liam Gavin says the project is vital to the East Galway region, but the concerns of home and landowners along the proposed route must be taken into consideration. It was suggested that the old N6 could be used as part of the route to avoid fragmentation of farmland – but the director said the road is too fast, and would not satisfy safety requirements. Councillors at the meeting were in agreement that the project is a positive development, but say farms cannot be cut in half by the route, and that alternatives to this measure should be thoroughly considered. Cathaoirleach of the Loughrea distric...

Dublin Galway Greenway Route

Several people have contacted us and asked if there is single source of information on the proposed Dublin Galway greenway route. The route crosses 6 county borders and will involve the cooperation of at least 8 local authorities and government bodies. So its not surprising, given the number of bodies involved, that there isn't one single place that lays out the entire route. Note that many of the proposed route is subject to planning and land holder agreements. The RCAG Royal Canal Amenity Group has made a good start to list the sections along the Royal Canal and the following is our understanding of the proposed route. Please get in touch and help us to keep this information up to date. Dublin: Guild Street to Sheriff Street to Castleknock. See Map . Note that Dublin City Council have recently announced plans to proceed . Kildare: No work has commenced. Subject to Planning Meath: No work has commenced. Subject to Planning Westmeath: Westmeath/Meath border to Cooln...

North South Ministerial Council calls for the connection of cross border Greenways

The North South Ministerial Council (22 April 2015), which was attended by political representatives from both sides of the border, has heard of the social and economic benefits of greenways. The ministers welcomed the continued investment by the Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport and the Department for Regional Development on the promotion and development of sustainable transport options, including cycling. The North South Ministerial Council is a body that has its origins from the Belfast/Good Friday Agreement (1998) which provided for co-operation and implementation for mutual benefit. A number of interesting presentations were given by representatives from bodies such as Waterways Ireland, Tourism Ireland and local authorities. Some mentionable presentation were: Presentation from Waterways Ireland on Greenways and Blueways Presentation from Tourism Ireland on Branding Ireland Other presentations from local authorities and government bodies