First look at the surface of the Mullingar to Athlone greenway

The Dublin Galway greenway blog is happy to provide some early pictures of the soon to be opened Mullingar to Athlone cycle way. The Mullingar/Athlone cycleway is part of the Dublin Galway greenway and follows the route of the disused railway between the two Westmeath towns.

This picture was taken just outside Mullingar and while the greenway is not open to the public yet we were able to access the initial 2 kms of the route. We are pleasantly surprised on the high quality of the surface. The surface is equivalent to road surface and is done to an exceptionally high standard. Unfortunately the surface was only completed to Ballinalee. After that point the surface becomes compacted stone. We assume that the entire length of this cycleway will be surfaced with tarmacadam.

All indications point to a mid September opening date.


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