Royal Canal featured in Irish Time's Ten great walking weekends

Great articles from Manchán Magan in the Irish Times

The Royal Canal 
Following this mercurial strip of silver, silky water that runs from Dublin through Kildare and Westmeath to Longford is like stepping back into Ireland of 200 years ago. The 144km journey from Croke Park to Clondra, where the Royal Canal meets the Shannon, takes three days to cover, mostly on gravel or tarmac towpaths. Though the stretch around Dublin is grim, the rest is tranquil, unspoilt countryside with perfect relics of late 18th-century industrial architecture.


  1. Well then, the stretches around Dublin are so bleek, but around longford the county council are ruining the edges of the once beautiful unspoilt countryside with bicycle paths and hedge cutting. An absolute DISGRACE. PARTS of Ballymahon are like outskirts of Dublin. STOP! Shame


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